By Kabir Bhargava
These days I have been playing a lot on my Play Station 2. I usually play God of War, True Crime, Fifa, Burnout Revenge/Dominator and Need for Speed Carbon. I do play a few more but these are the ones I like. I like playing all kinds of games, especially sports, fantasy and violent. The games I have mentioned here are almost one of each genre. I’ll only talk a bit about these games.
God of War: It’s a game about Greek mythology and has all the Greek gods. It is one of the most violent games in the world and is also rated like that. In the game you are this infamous warrior called Kratos, who is the most powerful person in Greece and has now got the help of the gods to remove all evil. His moves are really cool and the monsters he fights look real. The monsters are Basilisks’ (huge snakes), Hydras’ (huge water snakes), Cyclops’ (one eyed behemoths), Minotaur’s, Wraiths, Centaurs and more. The graphics of the game are amazing as I said everything looks real. I am playing God of War 1 but when I’m done I’ll go for the next 3.

True Crime: It’s a violent game and a lot like Grand Theft Auto. Except that you are a cop. You do steal other cars, run over people and then show your badge to stop the cops from shooting you. If you get shot by a cop, you can take his job away. You can buy new clothes, change your hairstyle and even go to hotels to eat. Of course all that costs a lot in New York City and one has to save where possible to buy new guns. One thing better about this game than GTA is that you can walk into any shop or door while in GTA some places are locked. The graphics are really good, like when it’s raining, he gets totally soaked and even his shoes start squeaking.
Fifa: It’s considered the best football game in the world. All players and teams are included. Each year all transfers are also made. The graphics are quite good and with the commentary on the side the match looks real. I am now waiting for Fifa 10.
Burnout: It’s a good car game even though it’s not quite racing. It’s more about timing, destruction, running from cops etc. It’s a really fast game and that’s the best part about it.
Need for Speed Carbon: It’s the greatest racing game I’ve got. The graphics are fantastic. A wide choice of cars. Good story mode, nice places to race and fun to play. I think it’s the game with the best graphics I’ve got.
These are the games I play on the PS2. Would be great to know what you think of these games.
Cheers, Kabir.
This is the second game that I played on my XBox (the first is “Dead or Alive”). The destruction part is indeed cool :-). I have only played the demo version of Burnout.
Have you got your hands on Nintendo Wii yet? It is a different type of gaming altogether.
My favorite one on PC was “Blade of Darkness”, It is a strategic action game. I like sword fight better than guns.
Very cool.
I am also inspired to start playing these games.
Have you played Dark Mirror. Its about infiltrating the enemy army and get the secret code. Less of violence and more of intelligence. Its not as gory atall unlike God of war.
@Shekhar: I never knew you had an Xbox! Do you have any other games on it? Tell me what happens in Dead or Alive?
@Senthil: I have played on the Wii a lot, espesially Wii sports. What hve you played on the Wii?
@Aseem Sood: I’m adding Dark Mirror on the list of games to check out, thanks for the tip. A similar game I’ve got to that could be “The Lord of the Rings:The return of the King.”